Super Summer F1:

  • It is a variety for the summer and also rainy season.
  • Cultivable even in temperature ranging from 35-40 degree centigrade.
  • It becomes ready for harvest in 50-55 days.
  • Average weight is 800 gm to 1.2 kg.

Mac-22 F1:

  • It is an early variety.
  • Harvestable in 50-55 days.
  • This tight, round headed, shining green variety is the customers’ favourite.
  • It weighs about 800 gm to 1 kg.

Quick Cross F1:

  • This variety is tolerant to all sorts of weather conditions like heat, rain and cold.
  • It is a ball-headed, compact cabbage.
  • Weighs about 1.2 kg, matures in 50-55 days.

Mohor F1:

  • Round headed variety of main season with attractive green colour.
  • Matures in 55-60 days, weighing 800gm-1.2 kg.

Express King F1:

  • Early round headed, compact, deep green variety.
  • Matures in 50-55 days, weighing 1.0-1.2 kg.
  • This variety has very good eating quality.

Miracle F1:

  • A ball-shaped variety with good field holding ability.
  • Short and compact texture.
  • Matures in 50-55 days and weighing 800 gm -1 kg.
  • Tolerant to DBM.

Chakra-50 F1:

  • Early variety, small in size and light green colour.
  • Weight 700-900 gm and 50-55 days maturity.
  • Dense planting is possible due to compact outer leaves.
  • A profitable cultivation.

Chakra-50 Improved F1:

  • It is a very popular, round-headed, tight, disease-tolerant variety,
  • Matures in 50-55 days, weighs about 800 gm -1 kg.
  • The variety has good field holding capacity.
  • Cultivable round the year.

Chakra-55 F1:

  • A very popular variety with uniform tight ball-shaped head.
  • Matures in 55-60 days, weight 1.2-1.5 kg.
  • It is slightly tolerant to rain.

B.N. Ball F1:

  • A round-headed variety with light green colour.
  • It is harvestable in 55-60 days.
  • The average weight is 1-1.2 kg.

Lucky Ball F1:

  • This variety too has round head.
  • It is tolerant to various pests and diseases.
  • It is surrounded by wide protective outer leaves.
  • Average weight is 1.5 kg.
  • It becomes ready for harvest in 60-65 days. 

All Season F1:

  • Cultivable almost all the year round except in rainy season and disease-tolerant.
  • It matures in 60-65 days and  wt. about 1.5-1.8 kg.
  • This variety haas roundcompact head.

Rare Ball F1:

  • A well-tested, compact variety suitable for cultivation in all seasons except in Monsoon.
  • It can withstand attacks of various pests and diseases.
  • Harvesting starts from 60-70 days and average weight 1.5-2 kg.
  • Suitable for dense planting and long distance transportation.

Bharat Ball F1:

  • A mid-season, high-quality, ball-headed cabbage.
  • It matures in 60-70 days after transplantation.
  • The variety can effectively fight against the attacks of pests and diseases.
  • It weighs about 1.3-1.7 kg.

Suparna Green F1:

  • A vigorous, semi-round variety with bluish green foliage.
  • Matures in 75-80 days and weighing 2.5-3 kg.
  • Tolerant to diseases and moderate rain.

Sri Krishna F1:

  • A very vigorous, mid-late, robust variety.
  • Tolerant to adverse weather.
  • Matures in 80-85 days and weight 2-2.5 kg.
  • It has good field-holding capacity.

O.P. Cabbage
Early Variety
(45-55 Days Variety)
  1. Super Express 
  2. Early Bharat Pride 
Mid - Season Variety
(55-60 Days Variety)
  1. Super Sixty     
  2. Pride of India  
  3. Golden Acre
  4. Chinese Cabbage