Aditya F1:

  • This light green, medium pungent variety becomes ready for harvest in 90 days.
  • Fruits are 15-16 cm long.

Surya F1:

  • Highly pungent, dark green, upright variety.
  • It can be cultivated as Rabi season crop.
  • Fruit size 6-8 cm x 0.8 cm,
  • Prolific yield.

Rudra-2 F1:

  • A highly pungent variety.
  • The fruits are dark green in colour. 
  • Size 8-10 cm × 1 cm .
  • The variety has demand in market both in fresh and dried conditions.

Pratap F1:

  • Fruits are attractively deep green, with high pungency.
  • 8-10 cm in length and 0.8-1 cm in diameter.
  • A very high yielding variety with continuous fruit setting for a long period.
  • Matures in 50-55 days. 

B.N.H.P.-104 F1:

  • A highly-pungent variety, tolerant to TYLCV,
  • Fruits are 8-10 cm long.
  • It becomes ready for picking in 50-55 days after transplanting.
  • Long harvesting time.
  • Prolific yield. 

BNHP DJ-26 F1:

  • Bushy plants, prolific yield, 7-8 cm long and green in colour.
  • Highly pungent fruits weigh 2-2.5 gm, 50-55 days maturity.
  • TYLCV-toleran.
  • High demand in fresh market.

O.P. Hot Pepper (Chilli)
  1. Suryamukhi Green
  2. Suryamukhi Black
  3. IR-8 - Direct sowing
  4. Bullet
  5. Pusa Jaola
  6. G-4